Packs abdominaux: De quoi avez-vous besoin pour atteindre votre objectif?

Les hommes comme les femmes rêvent d’une silhouette élancée et d’un beau ventre. Obtenez ces six packs tant convoités et affichez une silhouette impeccable sur la plage. Mais les abdominaux ne se limitent pas à un joli ventre plat. Il s’agit de l’état des organes internes d’une personne. Grâce aux muscles abdominaux, tous les organes internes sont dans la bonne position. Les abdominaux soutiennent également votre posture et soulagent le bas du dos. C’est pourquoi vous devez savoir comment entraîner vos abdominaux et vos obliques pour obtenir une silhouette belle et saine.

Que faut-il savoir sur la structure des muscles abdominaux ?

Les muscles abdominaux sont anatomiquement les muscles qui composent les parois de l’abdomen, l’abdomen étant la partie du torse qui relie la cage thoracique et le bassin. La paroi abdominale est constituée de peau, de fascias et de muscles et recouvre la cavité abdominale et les organes internes.

Les muscles abdominaux soutiennent le tronc, permettent le mouvement, maintiennent les organes en place et sont extensibles (capables de s’adapter aux changements dynamiques du volume du contenu abdominal).

Les muscles abdominaux profonds, ainsi que les muscles internes du dos, forment les muscles centraux et contribuent à la stabilité et à l’équilibre du corps ainsi qu’à la protection de la colonne vertébrale.

Il y a cinq muscles principaux dans votre abdomen. Deux d’entre eux sont des muscles verticaux (haut et bas) situés au milieu du corps. Trois sont des muscles plats et superposés situés sur les côtés du torse.

The two vertical muscles are:

  • Pyramidalis: This vertical muscle is small and shaped like a triangle. It’s very deep in the pelvis. It helps maintain internal pressure in the abdominal cavity.
  • Rectus Abdominis: This pair of muscles runs in the middle of the abdomen from the ribs to the front of the pelvis. The muscles hold the internal organs in place and ensure that your body remains stable during movements. The rectus abdominis can form bulges, sometimes referred to as a « six pack » when someone has a lean, fit stomach.

The abdominal muscles are necessary to secure the abdominal organs and stabilize the body during movements.

How to properly train the abdominal muscles

How to train properly without going to the gym? It’s not just about the training program, but also about motivation, nutrition and the right technique. It is also important that technique is one of the elements on the way to a beautiful stomach. A balanced diet also plays a role. The key to ab training is to feel all the muscles in your body as you train – they all need to be working.

If you’re new to the world of exercise, start your home workouts by strengthening your obliques and transverse abdominals. This will quickly improve the appearance of your tummy. The rules for training at home are:

  • Train 3-4 times a week;
  • stretch the rectus muscle;
  • Train the obliques and lower abs;
  • strengthening of the trunk.

Women should exercise their abs with this program 2-3 times a week. Men should add an hour to the program for the lower abs with additional weight. It’s easier for men to pump their abs. Techniques for them: hanging with extra weight, twisting, exercises with a roller.

In order to strengthen the abdominal muscles, one should also not forget the back. He should also be trained so that the trunk develops and the muscles are built evenly. Such a program will help you develop an athletic posture, which is important for pubescent boys.

How do you achieve the abdominal muscle effect?

The gym has special equipment for training the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles. The oblique muscles can be strengthened with additional weights and lateral body bends. An effective exercise: toning abs at home consists of lying on your back, bending your knees and alternately placing your right and left hand on your heels. Do regular abdominal exercises at home or at the gym.

Only with regular exercise, a healthy diet and the intake of vitamins and minerals can you therefore achieve the desired results.

Preparations that will help you get beautiful abs

You can get nice abs with the help of supplemental products. Amino acids and fat burners can help you get quick results. These products can help you get quick results. The abdominal muscles only become more clearly visible when the subcutaneous fat has been broken down. Fat burning supplements are therefore suitable for everyone who wants to achieve perfect abs.

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